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  • Our Favorite Trends: Vintage Style Engagement Rings
  • Post author
    Sea Wave Diamonds Team

Our Favorite Trends: Vintage Style Engagement Rings

Our Favorite Trends: Vintage Style Engagement Rings

What do you do when you fell in love with an amazing vintage engagement ring that you seen on Pinterest, only to realize that you have no way to order it for yourself? It may be the wrong size, in poor condition for daily wear, or simply unavailable for purchase at all.

Vintage style engagement rings are a popular option that replicates the style of your vintage dream ring with the quality and craftsmanship of modern handmade jewelry.  

Vintage style engagement rings come in a variety of designs ranging from over the top old Hollywood glamorous to modest and simplistic. There are many benefits to selecting a vintage style engagement ring over a true vintage ring.

The first, and most obvious benefit is that a vintage style ring will be made in your size and be in pristine condition. A vintage style ring can be the perfect option when your dream ring does not fit and can not be sized or if it is not in a condition that would be suitable for daily wear. In a situation where your heirloom ring is oh so perfect, but unfortunately it is also a size 3.5 while you wear a size 6 having a ring created to match the original ring can also be a great option. If you do not wish to preserve the original, the stones can even be removed from the original and set into your new vintage style mounting.

Pricing can be another benefit of vintage style engagement rings over going with a true vintage ring. Original vintage engagement rings in good condition can be expensive. While some luck out and find their perfect piece at an affordable price, often purchasing a vintage ring will be more expensive than having a similar ring constructed as well as having the frustration of actually finding the ring and possibly having a small bidding war when a ring is “THE” ring for multiple couples.


Whether you are recreating your grandmothers amazing heirloom ring, or choosing your own vintage inspired design that is totally unique to you, vintage style jewelry is a great option that combines the elegance of vintage style with the convenience and durability of modern jewelry.


  • Post author
    Sea Wave Diamonds Team

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