How to Care for Your Jewelry in the Summer

Learning to care for your jewelry can be challenging. Many of the hazards to your jewelry are often overlooked and issues can be unexpected. Being aware of risks to your jewelry can lengthen the life of your jewelry as well as avoiding unnecessary frustration that comes with having incidents.
Poolside tips:
Try to avoid contact between your jewelry and chlorinated water, as it can discolor metals or cause erosion in gemstones. Even if you don’t intend to swim yourself, chlorine is likely also present in hot tubs and children's wading pools.
If your jewelry is exposed to chlorine rinse with fresh water and if possible use a mild detergent to remove any remaining chlorine.
Beach tips:
It is not recommended to wear your jewelry to the beach. If you must wear jewelry, it is best to stick to gold and platinum. Salt is corrosive to copper, making saltwater especially damaging to rose gold. Saltwater can also cause corrosion in soft gemstones. Sand from the beach can also cause scratching to metals and stones.
Also remember that cold water will make your fingers shrink. At the beach there is also a higher risk of your jewelry being lost in an environment where it can not easily be found. Though you likely have your jewelry insured, it can be upsetting to lose something you consider very personal, such as your engagement ring. While in a pool your jewelry can likely be found within the day, at the beach there is a higher risk of your lost jewelry not being found.
Outdoor Excursions tips:
Consider leaving your rings at home when you participate in physically strenuous activities.
Lifting, climbing, rowing, and other activities where you use strength in your hands and arms can cause scratching or bending in your rings.
If you decide to carry your jewelry on your person in a protective case consider attaching a flotation device. Small flotation clips are available for your electronics and can help keep your jewelry safe from loss if you are on or near water.
Sweat may damage the finish of your jewelry or cause a build up of oils on the surface. If possible it is best to avoid wearing jewelry during strenuous activities.
General Jewelry Travel tips:
Consider investing in a travel case for your jewelry. Ideally the travel case will have separate compartments to prevent scratching.
Some gemstones are delicate. While your diamond is strong, some gemstones are more sensitive to heat. Avoid leaving your jewelry in direct sunlight or a hot car.
Be cautious of using lotion, oils, or sprays such as insect repellants on your jewelry. To minimize exposure, remove your jewelry during application.
After travel consider having your jewelry inspected and cleaned by your jewelry to maintain the beauty and quality.
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